Thursday, December 11, 2008

Timeline Chile

September 4, 1970- Salvador Allende wins the election with 36.3% of the vote.

November 2, 1970- Salvador Allende takes office.

January 1971- The statue of Guarantees is added to the Chilean constitution.

May 1971- Policy of “constructive opposition” is announced.
Salvador Allende's Speech, “Chilean Way” changes views and provides nationalization of large and small businesses and a respect for the letter of the law.

June 8, 1971- The former Vice President Edmundo Pérez Zújovic is shot and murdered during a shoot-out, by extremists.

November 1971- Chile delays payment of debts to other governments.

December 1971- Interior Minister Tohá is impeached for not scrutinizing the MIR (Movement of the Revolutionary Left)

December 1, 1971- The March of Empty Pots, women protest in the street, Leftist and right-winged youth fight, and the street is sprayed with tear gas.

December 2, 1971- Salvador Allende announces a “state of emergency” in the Santiago province.

(Situation in Chile worsens)

January 1972- Salvador Allende's advancement toward the center is foiled by leftists in his coalition. State companies buy shares of private companies.
Tohá is reappointed to Defense. The MIR was tied to the Presidential Guard.
US President Nixon affiliates the debt repayment and expropriation. The US objects to the multilateral development loans.

February 1972- The Communists endorse the termination of the MIR and the interchange with Christian Democrats.

May-June 1972- Leftists rig the election for leadership in the CUT (workers' confederation)

June 1972- Economy continues to decline

July 1972- The Communists win the CUT elections.
Interior Minister del Canto is impeached for supervising the illegal delivery of arms from Cuba.

August 1972- Small businessmen preform a strike against the government. This strike is nation-wide. people who attempted to open their shops got beet up.
A state of emergency was declared in Concepción.
October 1972- Other organizations join the truckers' strike.
Government sends tanks to Santiago to keep order.
Strict arms control laws are set in effect by Salvador Allende

October 9, 1972- a partial truckers' strik begins.

October 10, 1972- Vilarín is arrested.

November 1972- Military officers are brought into Salvador Allende's cabinet.
The Truckers' strike ends.
The Martial law was ended in 21 provinces.

December 1972- Salvador Allende is “booed” at Naval cadet graduation ceremony
MAPU starts to train with weapons.

January 1973- Food is rationed.
Officers openly disagree, for the first time.

February 1973- They try to impeach the President and find it basically impossible.

March 1973- Eduardo Frei takes the position of Presidency of senate.
The military pulls out of the cabinet.

April 1973- Four cabinet officers are impeached by congress.
The communists arm their military.

May 1973- The copper workers go on strike.

June1973- In Santiago there are bombings, street fighting, labor violence, and other awful things.
The communists get ready for a war.
The workers are not armed or trained enough to win.
Leftist and military have their first open armed encounter.

July 1973- The copper strike ends.
The truckers start a new strike, which the government tries to stop.

August 1973- Inside the Navy there is a rebellion which reveals institutional disruption.
Prats decides to resign as the Defense Minister, and Letelier takes over his position.
Pinochet is now the head of the armed forces devision.

September 1973- The Navy argues over who will be in command, they openly rebel.
There is lots of background plotting.
Salvador Allende is scheduled to give a speech on the 10th, he pushes the date back.
Salvador Allende will not stand down.
The situation gets worse.
Thousands of people die.
There is resistance and rebellion in5,000 the military.

September 11, 1973- Slavador Allende dies.

September 15, 1973- Members of La Nueva Cancion Chilena are rounded up and put in prison.

-Annette Fredrickson, December 11, 2008

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